Saturday, 27 November 2010

Tropical Botanical Miami

Back at the farm and only just catching up.

I really like this from Sandra at inanna shamaya.

Waterlillies at the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens in Miami.

The Fairchild gardens have become one of my favorite places on the face of the planet.

I was there last Wednesday. But due to the Thanksgiving Eve traffic, only for 30 minutes before the gardens closed.

And it seemed strange to us that they would close the gardens at what might well be the perfect moment for viewing them. During the cooler hours, with a soft golden sunlight creeping along the pathways...

And the shadows are growing long...

And things get kind of hazy...

And magical!

Do you want to know if everything glittering will turn into the gold...
Heart of Mine by Peter Salett, & clip from one of my favorite (shamlessly romantic!) movies "Keeping the Faith"


Jacky said...

Loved seeing the photos of Miami (my son is visiting a friend in Miami at the moment!!!).

Those lilly pads are beautiful...amazing colour and patterning.

Enjoy your stay and I hope you have time to get back to those wonderful gardens.

Jacky xox

Anonymous said...

Seems strange - and magical and lovely - to see so much light and sunshine when we have darkness and snow!

neki desu said...

no light like golden sunlight in the tropics.lovely place, lovely spanish moss.

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